Athlete’s Release: In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, release and discharge the sponsors and operators of the Columbia College Wellness in Action Fest and their agents and employees from any and all claims for damages suffered by me as the result of my participation in or traveling to or from the event, to be held on 4/5/2025. I specifically release and discharge said operators and sponsors from all injuries or damages arising from or contributed to by any physical impairment or defect I may have, whether latent or potent, and agree that they are under no obligation to provide a physical examination or other evidence of my fitness to participate in such event, the same being my sole responsibility. Participants are subject to drug testing according to USATF Rules and IAAF Rule 144. I understand that I am voluntarily participating in the Columbia College Wellness in Action Fest at my own risk and at my own request. I also give permission for the free use of my name, picture and voice at any broadcast, telecast, print account or any other account in any medium of this event. I understand that bicycles, in-line skates, skateboards and scooters are not permitted.